A Survey on Secure the Cloud Environment using hypervisor-based virtualization technology


  • Urmila Jangid Jyoti Vidyapeeth Women’s, University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


Cloud computing is one of today’s most sensational technologies, because it can decrease the cost and complexity of applications, and it is flexible and accessible. These benefits changed cloud computing from a thoughtful idea into one of the fastest growing technologies today. For bright future of this technology we need to secure the cloud using virtualization technology. Virtualization is the core of cloud computing. Actually virtualization technology is an old technology and has had security issues that must be addressed before cloud technology is affected by them. The virtualization technology has limit security capabilities in order to secure wide area environment such as the cloud. This paper proposes new security architecture in a hypervisor-based virtualization technology in order to protect the cloud environment.



How to Cite

Urmila Jangid. (2014). A Survey on Secure the Cloud Environment using hypervisor-based virtualization technology. International Journal of Innovative Computer Science & Engineering, 1(3). Retrieved from https://ijicse.in/index.php/ijicse/article/view/23


